IYENGAR YOGA is derived from the teachings of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar who is recognised as one of the world’s most foremost exponents of yoga. His teachings are a unique and contemporary interpretation of the sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a 2000 year old text and which defines the eight limbs of yoga. These teachings begin with the physical alignment of the body and progress to include the mind, body and the breath.
The practice of Yoga is the foundation, so that the Self is not shaken under any circumstances.
– BKS Iyengar
Why Practice Iyengar Yoga…
Increased flexibility
The variety of movements such as standing poses, forward and backbends, twists and balancing help to promote flexibility and suppleness
Technique and alignment
The poses help to bring balance between the body and mind. When the physical body is properly aligned, the breath also becomes aligned
Use of props such as blankets, bolsters, chairs and belts makes yoga accessible to people of all ages and health status by removing fear and providing stability
The practice of the yoga postures help to increase the flow of energy and to promote calmness and relaxation.